Strategic Plan
Building a strategy is about aligning your team on the path forward. It’s about combining the facts around you with your own organizational aspirations to develop a vision that has the buy-in of your key stakeholders. Here’s a closer look at a typical workplan to build your strategy:
Combine all components into Sustainable Growth Strategy
Business Plan
The business plan lays out your vision. It is a summary of the anticipated impact, your competitive advantage, and the resources required for implementation. To draft the business plan, Kirtland Consulting provides a structured process, facilitates your team through the process, conducts the research to create the plan, and ultimately helps you codify the results. Our team unlocks the most critical ingredients for a successful business planning experience: robust hypotheses, rigorous market research & testing, analytics and insight generation.

Market Research Survey
Achieving the highest quality survey results requires thoughtful design and implementation. An effective survey involves 5 key ingredients:
- Well-articulated learning objectives
- A panel strategy, with desired survey participant profile and source
- Reliable and flexible survey and communication platform
- Value proposition to maximize survey participation
- Data synthesis to gather insight
At Kirtland Consulting we have successfully implemented dozens of surveys at a national, regional, and local level.

In-depth interviews
In depth interviews are one of our top techniques for gathering data. They are great because they are personal – you get an opportunity to empathize and understand the world view of your subject. They are flexible – while you should always have a structured guide, interviews give you the flexibility to explore. This exploration often sets the great interviewers apart from the rest. They are informative – you can get just the data you need, in the format you need it.
You can use in depth interviews for many use cases. For example, if you are talking with users and want to know what they are looking for, here are 5 great interview questions:
- What does {organization} do better than anyone else?
- What is most important to you when you seek products/services/support?
- What new products or services should {organization} consider?
- What can we learn from other organizations in this market?
- Do you have any other feedback for {organization}?

Focus group facilitation
Focus groups can be really fun. They are organic, living conversations that, if done well, will uncover new insights, fast. They are especially valuable when idea generation is a priority. Our Focus Group Facilitation will provide you with:
Well-articulated goals – Learning objectives and a plan for how to achieve them
Considerable planning – Logistics, participants, invitations & communications, and incentives
Expert facilitation – Inviting questions, strategic listening, frameworks and tools to guide the discussion
Synthesized insights – Codification of the key observations and lessons from the focus group

Project Management
Project Management Institute has reported that poor agility is a key factor that explains why only 56% of strategic enterprise initiatives meet their original goals and business intent.
At Kirtland Consulting, we thrive on agility. By partnering with Kirtland Consulting for project management support, you will ensure the following:
- Design – Project will be designed with a clear scope, stakeholders, and metrics for success
- Execution – Project will be executed efficiently so that participants stay engaged and productive both inside and outside of meetings
- Communication – Clear communications will become part of how you work. From a synthesis of progress, decisions, and insights, to updates on your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Procurement is the art and science of securing access to the products and services you need to achieve your mission.
At Kirtland Consulting, we love procurement because it is often an under-utilized opportunity to drive significant savings and achieve greater impact.

We typically follow a four-step process:
- Diagnostic – We build the fact base for what you buy today, why, from whom, the contracts you have in place, and the market trends affecting your products and services externally. From here we clarify project objectives & develop hypotheses for the greatest value levers
- Design – Here we create a cross-functional team and dream together: what if we did it differently? Could we change our design & specifications? our vendor strategy? our behavior? What would our impact be if we implemented these ideas?
- Strategic Sourcing – The sourcing process often involves a Letter of Interest, Request for Proposal, Scorecard, Negotiation, and Award. One of the most rewarding steps here is to learn from vendors, as they often have great insight into innovation and value capture opportunities
- Implementation – Capturing the impact from procurement necessitates three things: quantification of the value and consequent measurement/reporting; training to foster understanding of new policies; and governance to ensure compliance